
The power of water. To me, it is a constant source of comfort. As a kid, I used to immerse myself in the bathtub and pretend I was a mermaid. I used to splash the entire bathroom, which drove my mother crazy hahaha. But I clearly remember the feeling I had when I was under the water: peace and quiet. It was like the outside world no longer existed. I still fully immerse myself at times when taking a bath, but I do it as an escape from the noise around me. When I have one of my migraines, doing this is my salvation. When my body is screaming in pain, the hot water from the bathtub provides so much comfort and relief that I tend to refill the bath 2 or 3 times. When I come out, I am usually a red prune hahaha. Yes, there is so much to say about the power of water. I am sure you have many stories as well! And like me, I am sure the magical tune “Under the Sea” from the movie The Little Mermaid will come to mind when looking at this picture! hahaha!
Today, we are featuring two gacha sets created by the adorable Dalriada Delwood, owner of MOoH! The “Magic waterplants” and “Magic plants” are low on land impact and each pack contains 1 rare. The items will allow the creations of wonderful fantasy worlds with their beautiful colors and fantastic designs. Each attempt will cost you 50L.
You can find these wonderful gachas at the Gacha Life event from April 5 to April 30, 2020!
Stay safe!
MOoH! – Magic waterplants by Dalriada Delwood. Available at the Gacha Life event from April 5 to April 30, 2020.
- Jellyfish flower with pond blue – 2LI
- Jellyfish flower with pond red – 2LI
- Jellyfish flower with pond white – 2LI
- Umbrella plant pond purple – 3LI
- Umbrella plant pond red – 3LI
- Umbrella plant pond white – 3LI
- Water lotus blue – 3LI
- Water lotus white – 3LI
- Waterfall plant black – 3LI
- Waterfall plant red – 3LI
- Weeping Willow pond (rare) – 5LI
MOoH! – Magic plants by Dalriada Delwood. Available at the Gacha Life event from April 5 to April 30, 2020.
- Blue alien plant – 3LI
- Purple alien plant – 3LI
- Red alien plant – 3LI
- Jellyfish flower blue – 4LI
- Jellyfish flower red – 4LI
- Jellyfish flower white – 4LI
- Lotus blue – 3LI
- Lotus white – 3LI
- Magic mushrooms blue – 3LI
- Magic mushrooms purple – 3LI
- Magic mushrooms white – 3LI
- Magical lotus pink – 3LI (rare)
- Seashell bath: Trompe Loeil – Nerissa Seashell Bath by C. Edo (cory.edo) Available in two PG versions. 21 LI.
- .:GDC:. Suites Normal SkyBOX by .:Grim Death Co:. (grimdeathco). 25 LI. This item must be purchased in order to create the mermaid cove.
- .:GDC:. Suites Mermaids Cove by .:Grim Death Co:. (grimdeathco). 98 LI. This item will work only if the GDC Suites Normal or XL Skybox has been rezzed up.