
For the past year, I have been reading blogs after blogs, fascinated about the various lives in SL and real life. Some people really have lives filled with various events, activities, successes, and challenges. I must say my life seems pretty boring compared to most, but I do love it that way. Due to my illness, I do not venture much outside, making the web my playground.
I was, however, so fortunate to have found a loving man more than a year ago. He is my bridge to keep in touch with real life. Without him, I would probably be lost in the virtual world most of my days. In SL, he is my husband, my family. And even if we have a few friends, they are the type we can count on and trust. They are our family. We may not have much, but what we have is cherished with all our hearts.
Today, we are featuring a new pose from the lovely Tempest Rosca from TEMPLAR. “Comet” is a pose for couple that is both loving and romantic. Since the pose doesn’t come with a seat, you can actually use it on any type of furniture you would like, enabling you to create the perfect romantic scene. You can find this wonderful pose at the Belle Event until June 16, 2020!
Creating this scene was a lot of fun and I was able to use new items purchased at the Uber event which opened on May 25 and will be available until June 22, 2020. There is this wonderful backdrop from Serenity Style called “El Patio” and great drinking set from Andika called “Early Summer” which provides drinks, a plate filled with lime and a cutting board to cut those limes for a refreshing drink!
And finally, I cannot end this blog without mentioning two of my favorite designers: Ava Kungler and Annie Melson. This beautiful necklace from Kunglers is called “Alima” and it is the perfect item from creating a fun and casual look. The top called “Nickie” and the pants called “Cenedra” are from Just Because and are, in my opinion, amazingly designed and look so realistic. Both items are available at their respective store locations!
Hope you have a fantastic day! Stay safe!
Pose: T E M P L A R – COMET (slightly modified). Available at the Belle Event from May 20 to June 16, 2020.
- Top: JustBECAUSE – Nickie Top – FatPack – Maitreya Lara
- Pants: JustBECAUSE – Cenedra Jeans – FatPack – Maitreya
- Necklace: KUNGLERS – Alima Necklace
- Hair: Stealthic – Vigil (Rigged) – New at the store location.
Body Information
- Skin: DeeTaleZ – Skin *Cira* for Catwa – (BOM) Eastern
- Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara HUD V5.0.1
- Head: CATWA – Head Catya v4.5
- Shape: *YS&YS* – Mimi (modified)
- Top: ColdAsh Store – SIG GIANNI TYLER Tank Top (Classic Pack)
- Pants: Lapointe & BastChild Designs – GIANNIfit* Swear Patrol Denim Jeans v4.0
- Hair: Vango. Hayden
Body Information
- Skin and shape: [ session ] – Ian Dark Beard (tone02) – BoM
- Body: [Signature] – Gianni Body – Body – v5.0
- Head: Catwa – Daniel v4.5
- Andika – Early Summer Set – Available at the Uber event from May 25 to June 22, 2020.
- Cutting board
- Lime plate
- Glass-C
- Serenity Style – El patio Building Scene. Available at the Uber event from May 25 to June 22, 2020
- *Pia* – Crates D
- GCD – Old Plastic Patio Set (DIRTY)(V1.1)