Feels Like Rain

Nothing better than a little Saturday stroll at the Four Seasons’ sim with Bella. She loves running after everything that moves hahaha. You get to think a lot when you walk alone, surrounded by nature. I was thinking of all the new changes in my life: a new position with the magazine Sisters in SL where I will be an assistant, managed to get a nice victorian home in Bellisseria and met several new friends. 

I have so many ideas regarding future endeavors. I will definitely have to sit down and organize my thoughts in the near future! Hahaha

Well, I hear thunder coming from the beach and the skies are covering up. Better head home and enjoy a lovely cup of tea. It might be a good time to come up with new goals and organize all these ideas running through my head on a piece of paper! Hahaha. Or I may simply just take a nap. It is Saturday, so there is no pressure for me today!

I am wearing an outfit put together with various [Justice] pieces. I mixed the bra top from the Beth Outfit with the Frankie Vest and the new pants Reilly, currently available at the Cosmopolitan event open from January 27 to February 9, 2020.


[JUSTICE]Reilly Pants – by Valentine Coy. Available at the Cosmopolitan event from January 27 to February 9, 2020.

  • Rigged for Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Legacy, Physique, and Maitreya.
  • 6 metal and 20 solid colors available via hud.



Body Information


 Templar Poses Hawk by Tempest Rosca


The Four Seasons – Orinoco Valley


JIAN Dashing Dalmatians 6. Companion Pup Small by JIAN (jiansl)

Feels Like Rain
Flickr Post

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