Good Times

Having drinks with friends sounds like a great idea, but it is not the smartest thing to do right now. So what did the girls decide to do? Online drink night!!! It is a good thing social media tools have evolved so much in the last couple of years. We sparked up Skype and did a conference call with about five ladies, all dressed up, drinks in hand. It was a great evening. The difference compared to going to an actual club was that we could actually hear each other talk hahaha! We are thinking of doing the same thing for our book club! Difficult times call for creative ideas hahaha!

Today, I am displaying a new creation from one of my sisters from the Sisters in SL group. Dreampheonix is a new designer in SL. She owns Dream Couture and created this adorable dress called “April”. A very suitable dress for the upcoming Spring season!

We all know how hard it can be to start a business in Second Life. I do admire those who venture into the designing world and share their creations with us. So, if you are not busy, go to her store and browse through her creations!



Dream CoutureApril dress by Dreamphoenix

  • Three different colors: blue, purple, and green.
  • Rigged for:  Maitreya, Slink, and Belleza sizes.



Body Information


Good Times!

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