My Wish For You

A new year is upon us. Most people say it is a fresh start, a reboot, etc. It is the time when people make resolutions, establish goals, aim at new dreams. I don’t know about you, but I am terrible with resolutions hahaha. I cannot think of one that I have held on too hahaha (so horrible to admit!). 

Did you make a resolution this year? Is it a realistic one or one that truly matters? And the most important question: do you think you will hold on to it? If yes, then I do wish you the best of luck!

Before I start talking about these items I have decided to blog, the meaning of this picture is to wish you all peace. Peace of mind, body, and soul. Peace to accept the things you cannot control. Peace with accepting who you are and what you look like. Peace with accepting your physical or mental limitations. With all my heart, I wish you peace.

Ok, enough babbling hahaha. Avi-Glam. One of my favorite eyes store. Amazing colors and so easy to use for this technologically challenged individual (points at herself). Transcendence by Kendra Parfort has a variance of colors going from light blue to light greyish. Absolutely stunning eyes. I paired these amazing eyes with a skin from Glam Affair called Nina, which can be found at the Anthem event from January 3 to January 31, 2020.

You can find below more information about the items in the picture.


My Gift for You


  • Eyes: Avi – GlamAG. Transcendence Eyes by Kendra Parfort
    • There are 4 options available: Catwa, Genus, and Omega appliers, Mesh eyes plus hud, and System eyes BOM

Body information


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