Lazy Sunday Afternoon
KUNGLERS’s Adna set at FaMESHed and MOoH!’s Piper top and Parker ripped short at store location (50% discount until May 13, 2021!)
KUNGLERS’s Adna set at FaMESHed and MOoH!’s Piper top and Parker ripped short at store location (50% discount until May 13, 2021!)
Exile’s hair “Daphne” at C88 until February 6, 2021, Kunglers’s “Carissa” bracelets at FaMESHed until January 27, 2021. MIDNA’s “Tess” tiara at The Outlet on SeraSim and don’t forget $70L Seraphim Sundays on January 10, 2021!
“Cicely” sweater from Tres Blah available at the FaMESHed events until December 27, 2020!
EXILE hair “Savannah” at FaMESHed until 2020/12/27, MOoH! Hamster and Christmas Baubles at store location, “Christmas Sweater” at the Grumpy Santa Hunt until 2020/12/31 and “Together we Stand” globe at the Peace on Earth until 2020/12/31!
“Rissa” dress from JustBECAUSE at FaMESHed until November 27 and “Serri” hair from EXILE at Collabor88 until December 6, 2020!
Tres Blah’s “Open Sweater” and “Rilo” jeans available at FaMESHed until November 27, 2020!
Kungler’s Harriet rings at Cosmo, Isabel bracelet at FaMESHed, Avi-Glam Fame eyes at Kustom9, and Exile Addison hair at FaMESHed!
JustBECAUSE’s Claire Gown available at FaMESHed event until October 27, 2020!
Kunglers’ Farah Set at Cosmo until October 18, 2020, Hortensia rings at FaMESHed until October 27, 2020, Exile’s Lesha hair at C88 until November 6, 2020 and Avi-Glam’s Dreamy eyes at the store location!