EXILE Hair “Courtney” available at LOGO’s 15th Anniversary Event until November 6, 2020!
EXILE Hair “Courtney” available at LOGO’s 15th Anniversary Event until November 6, 2020!
JustBECAUSE gown “Lili” available at Uber from October 25 to November 22, 2020!
Unicorn onesie from MOoH! available at the store location with a 50% discount until December 29, 2020!
As we grow older (and wiser hahaha), we come to realize that it is the little things in life that matter. We seek…
Is there a more wonderful feeling than knowing someone is waiting for you at home? And it doesn’t have to be a human…
Kunglers’ Farah Set at Cosmo until October 18, 2020, Hortensia rings at FaMESHed until October 27, 2020, Exile’s Lesha hair at C88 until November 6, 2020 and Avi-Glam’s Dreamy eyes at the store location!
Tres Blah’s “PomPom” sweater and “Ella Frayed” jeans available at FaMESHed until October 27, 2020!
“Mili” outfit by JustBECAUSE available at Uber until October 22, 2020 and Exile hair “Helena” available at Salem event until October 31, 2020!
JustBECAUSE “Criistinaa” outfit (top and pants) available at the store location!