Let’s Party Tonight!
Tres Blah’s “Elyse” dress at C88 until July 6, 2021!
You know what music is? God’s little reminder that there’s something else besides us in the universe; harmonic connection between all living beings,…
What better way to spend your Saturday shopping in various shops, getting monster deals, and then go home to relax with your best…
Avi-Glam Elegance Eyes at Access, Kunglers’ Eivor earrings at Chronicles & Legends, and Tres Blah’s Devin top at the store location!
Confession: I have been ill for the past week and I have no idea what to talk about that would not be depressing…
Exile’s hair “Daphne” at C88 until February 6, 2021, Kunglers’s “Carissa” bracelets at FaMESHed until January 27, 2021. MIDNA’s “Tess” tiara at The Outlet on SeraSim and don’t forget $70L Seraphim Sundays on January 10, 2021!
“Cicely” sweater from Tres Blah available at the FaMESHed events until December 27, 2020!